At the Künstlerhaus, it is the former Französischer Saal—today the Brut—that serves as the point of departure as well as the place for the lecture performance: It was at the Französischer Saal where exhibitions of the VBKÖ took place until the 1970s.
Focusing on the activities of the VBKÖ from the time of National Socialism until the 1980s, the lecture performance explores following questions: What kind of exhibitions were organized, and what kind of art did they show? Who were the members of the association, and what kind of art did they make? Was the role of the VBKÖ during the time of National Socialism discussed after 1945? During the 1970s, were the members of the association in touch with local feminist art movements?
Lecture performance (45 min., SKGAL )
research assistant: Lisa Burgdorf
The Archive As A Site Of Political Confrontation. Or How To Sing Out Of Tune? was presented at burt, die Bar, Vienna (A) (2015) and in the frame of the Fourth Biennial Conference of the European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies UTOPIA EAM 2014 (University of Helsinki, FIN, 2014); remnants of the lecture performance have been part oft he exhibition Die Kunst der Frau. Freundinnen und Komplizinnen, curated by Barbara Steiner, VBKÖ, Vienna (A) (2015-16).